Friday, February 8, 2013

In the kitchen: shopping for food

Grocery shopping can be overwhelming. When you start to think about what is going into your body, that can get multiplied by ten...


On my last trip to the store I counted 25 different flavors of coffee creamer. 25 FLAVORS! I couldn't even fit them all in this picture. If you always find yourself hovering in one aisle with the organic canned tomatoes in one hand and the less expensive store-brand in the other, know that you are not alone.

Here are some everyday tips that may help ease grocery store anxiety:

  • Read the ingredients on processed foods - yes, this can be time consuming, but when it comes to deciding between an aisle long variety of options always try and go with the item that has the least amount of and most recognizable ingredients
  • Shop local - of course if you are at the farmers market this is not something you really have to consider but you can still try to find things at least made in the US (if not in your own state) when at a conventional store.
  • The less boxed or frozen items you pick the more money you will find yourself saving. Everyone needs a back up meal in the freezer for those busy weeks but try to do more from scratch - your wallet and your health will thank you!

If you are sick of the store all together, join my in my search to find the perfect CSA. I have toyed with the idea for the past few years but always seem to miss the deadlines (I have likely missed my chance on some already). 

This year is the year I am determined to buy a share! Please send any suggestions my way. 

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